As an incorporated association, Craft ACT is legally required to hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) to present financial and other reports from the previous year, elect board members and for members to ask questions of the board and staff. In 2021, the Craft ACT AGM will be held on Tuesday 30 March at 6pm

All Craft ACT Members are invited to attend and meet with Craft ACT's Board and staff. At the conclusion of the AGM, a special members-only info session will be presented by CAPOCity Renewal Authority and artsACT about their grant programs. This is an opportunity to uncover current and new funding opportunities for artists. All members and friends are invited to stay for refreshments.

Our constitution states that we need a quorum of members to attend the AGM, so please make an effort to attend.

The agenda for the AGM is as follows: 

1.    Welcome and apologies
2.    Acceptance of Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on 31 March 2020.
3.    President’s Report 2020
4.    CEO/Artistic Director Report 2020
5.    Financial Report ending 31 December 2020, including Treasurer’s Report and Auditor comments
6.    Election of Management Committee
7.    Other Business

All members wishing to vote at the AGM, including Accredited Professional and Associate Members are required to have current, up-to-date membership.

As per Section 70AA of the Associations Incorporation Act 1991, if an AGM is held during a COVID emergency, the committee of an incorporated association may authorise general meetings to be held via methods of communication other than in person. Currently, the Craft ACT AGM is planned to be held in person in line with the latest national and local health advice, however if current restrictions change the AGM may be presented virtually by Zoom and members will be notified by email and/or telephone.

Please RSVP whether you would like to attend or send your apologies by Friday 26 March 2021 to Meagan at

 Image: Bev Hogg open studio. Photo: 5 Foot Photography