Jeanette Brand

 Instagram | @brand_jl

Thank you Craft and Design Canberra for the opportunity to participate in Creative Journalling 24.

This challenge proved to be a fun way to encourage a creative practice that expanded one's thinking, developed technical capabilities, engage with an audience and support Craft and Design ACT.

As a graphic designer I began this exercise by setting up parameters for my inventiveness in response to the first and very apt prompt GROW!

The designs that I posted were then based on the shapes and arrangements of the typeface I had selected (Century Gothic), to create didactic or conceptual responses to the daily prompts. The colour palette I chose derived from the natural world and I believe a great metaphor for growth.

Undertaking the discipline of answering the brief on a daily basis I found was a wonderful way, to refresh my graphic design skills, consistently problem solve  and to do those tutorials on all manner of program updates I never really interrogated before!

I had a lot of fun with the challenge I had set myself reconfiguring these shapes, however I did find some words did not work well in facilitating experimentation with the elements and principles of design inherent in one’s craft practice... I guess that was a challenge in itself!

Jeanette Brand