Siru Tuomisto
Mixed Media
Associate Member
Siru Tuomisto, an Artist-Designer, born in Finland has spent 18 years in New York, Los Angeles, London and Italy. Siru has an interior architect degree from UCLA and has worked for the movie industry in Hollywood, during which time she became convinced everything is possible to get built, unbuilt and rebuilt. Since then, Siru has been on Finnish TV, worked as an interior architect and a designer. Having always been creative, focusing on creating sustainable, repurposed art has been a natural continuation in her work.
"I focus on the art of play and matching repurposed pieces together, searching for the stories they tell and how they complement one another. The art of play is core to my creative process, as it brings happiness and joy, both to me as I create, and to the viewer once they see the intention behind each piece. Maybe they see something familiar and nostalgic, or something playful and silly, or something totally new to them. And then comes the magical moment when the proverbial light bulb goes off and viewers faces light up with a smile.
This tiny gesture holds immense power- they light up the room and spread happiness all around. In a way I strive to recycle happiness with my art."
Online Resources:
Instagram: @studiosiru