2021 artist-in-residence

Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre is delighted to announce that Accredited Professional Members Harriet Schwarzrock and Valerie Kirk have been selected as the 2021 Craft ACT Artists-in-Residence. This is a highly competitive program where all applications undergo a rigorous review process by a panel made up of representatives from the Program Partners (Geoscience Australia and ACT Parks and Conversation), Craft ACT management and Craft ACT Accredited Professional Members from different craft and design mediums.

An award-winning visual artist working with glass and mixed media, Harriet will use the research period for “experimenting with site specific matter, exploring the minerals, geology and atmosphere; the materials of a landscape.”

An internationally acclaimed textiles artist and tapestry weaver, Valerie plans to investigate the National Mineral and Fossil Collection (particularly rocks and plant fossils) through observation drawing and engagement with Geoscience staff and their knowledge of earth science and technology. Valerie explains: “Rocks and plant fossils fascinate me because they evoke a deep sense of time, show changing climates and evolution of the surface of the Earth.”

Congratulations Valerie and Harriet!

Above image: Harriet Schwarzrock, Drift, 2017, blown glass. Photo: Sam Cooper. Valerie Kirk, Indigo Fossil, 2019, drawing collage, 30cm x 40cm, Photo: Tim Gresham
Cover image: Ready Cut Cottage. Photo: 5 Foot Photography