Nicole Henry - Highly Commended
My process was to spend a bit of time each morning reflecting on possible ideas. I’d like to say I was unfettered in my approach, but each prompt ended up being an exercise in deliberation. My aim was to try as many media and styles as I could over the course of the challenge. The prompt I enjoyed most was ‘La Ninã’. I wanted something immediate and uncontrolled, but evocative, so for this one, the medium rather than the rationale dominated the process. A hasty experimental monoprint in black and white was the result, which was a big departure from my usual approach.
I am an emerging artist and am currently studying Visual Arts at CIT. My preferred medium is printmaking and over the past few years I have regularly undertaken activities at Megalo print studio. In March 2023, I held my first exhibition as part of a group show of five Canberra-based printmakers at CCAS. I found the Design Challenge to be a valuable discipline in stimulating creative thinking processes.