2021 Craft ACT Artist-in-residence program

Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre and ACT Parks & Conservation Service have presented this acclaimed artist-in-residence program since 2006. Artists have found, time and again, that their practice is profoundly altered by the experience of this residency which allows precious stillness and space for investigation, reflection and generation of new work.

Applications are now open for artists to participate in the 2021 program.

The 2021 residency program will include: 

  • Research period at Geoscience Australia to explore connections and directions for the residency based on their exposure to the world-class National Mineral and Fossil Collection and cutting-edge Earth science and technology.
  • Residency at Gudgenby Ready-Cut Cottage in Namadgi National Park.
  • Artist-in-residence Open Day which will include, artist talks, and artist-run workshops
  • A group exhibition of contemporary craft and design work created as a result of the residency.  

Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre is a not-for-profit membership-based organisation which supports artists, craft practitioners, designers and makers at every stage of their careers. We promote and celebrate excellence and innovation in contemporary craft in everything we do – in our retail space, exhibitions, events and membership program. Craft ACT is one of the longest continuously running visual arts membership organisations in Australia, supporting artists, craft practitioners and designers at every stage of their careers. In 2021, Craft ACT will be celebrating our 50th anniversary. We look forward to transitioning Craft ACT towards its next 50 years, creating greater opportunities for this community of craftspeople and designers, and for the growing audience who admire and appreciate the beauty, skill and excellence of their work.  

In 2021, Craft ACT is honoured to collaborate with Geoscience Australia (GA) as our research partner. GA a part of the federal government that aims to apply geoscience to Australia’s most important challenges. Here, artists-in-residence engage with geoscientists to understand their enthusiasm and expertise in the Earth sciences. They will also undertake research on the National Mineral and Fossil Collection to gain an understanding of the geological history of Namadgi National Park which represents a timeframe of millions of years, in the context of significant recent radical transformation.

The granite boulders are a significant geological feature of Namadgi. These granite outcrops and overhangs contribute to building the landscape of the national park. In early 2003 the landscape of Namadgi National Park was devasted by fires and heavy rainsThe outer layer of many granite boulders had fractured in the rain then exploded in the intensity of the fires, building landscape and changing the park's appearance. After the recent 2019-2020 fires, this process repeated and the granite boulders are more visible than ever. The impact of climate change is also visible, and this collaborative residency is an opportunity for artists to consider what we can do to address this urgent issue. 

The Geoscience Australia research period will be followed by the residency at Namadgi National Park, where the selected artists will have the use of a shared living and working space at Gudgenby Ready-Cut Cottage. The site is remote and isolated in the Australian bush and artists must be self-sufficient. The cottage is located approximately 50-60km from the nearest town centre, Tharwa, ACT. Artists will be asked to engage with the community and participate in a public program at an open day at the Cottage.  

Resulting work from the artist-in-Residence program will be displayed in a group exhibition at Craft ACT the following year, promoted through Craft ACT and Geoscience Australia. This is one of the significant strengths of the Craft ACT residency: it includes an opportunity to exhibit new work emerging from the residency in a gallery space. A catalogue will produced to support the exhibition, including a commissioned essay and photography. 


Research Period at Geoscience Australia  Tuesday 9 March to Friday 19 March 2021 
Residency Period at Gudgenby Ready-Cut Cottage Wednesday 21 April – Sunday 11 May 2021 
Open Day at Gudgenby Ready-Cut Cottage Saturday 24 April 2021
Extra Research Period at Geoscience Australia (optional) Monday 24 May to Friday 28 May 2021 
Artist-in-residence group exhibition at Craft ACT Thursday 24 March –  Saturday 7 May 2022 

*Final dates may be subject to change due to bush fire recovery efforts and social distancing measures to reduce COVID-19 transmission.

Residency FAQs: 

Who can apply?
The artist-in-residence expressions of interest are open to professional, practicing craft practitioners and designer-makers who have a demonstrated history of excellence in their practice. Applications are open to Craft ACT members only (General, Associate and Accredited Professional) and depending on quality and type of applications; two to four residency placements will be awarded. 

Applicants are required to be Craft ACT members in order to submit a proposal. 

N.B. Previous participants in this Craft ACT program are not eligible to apply again for the residency. Participants in the Craft ACT Spring residency are welcome to apply.

What work can I produce for the exhibition? 
This residency has been designed to allow craft practitioners and designer-makers to extend their artistic boundaries and to focus on the development of new work and ideas. The work created as a result of this residency should draw on their current craft and design practice.  

Can I bring my partner/children/pets to the residency? 
Due to national park safety procedures, visitors, including partners, children and friends of resident artists are not permitted to join them during the program at the residency sites. Namadgi National Park is a wildlife sanctuary and with that pets and other animals are not allowed into the National Park and Nature Reserve. 

What facilities are at Namadgi? 
Artists-in-residence have the use of a living and working space at Gudgenby Ready-Cut Cottage in Namagdi National Park. The Gudgenby Ready-Cut Cottage is a fully furnished and powered site. Artists must have access to their own transport and provide their own food and linen. 

Will I have the cottage to myself? 
No, artists will share the living and working space at Gudgenby Ready-Cut Cottage with other participating residency artists. 

Who has participated in previous years’ residencies? 
Previous Craft ACT artists-in-residence include: 

2019: Sean Booth, Michelle Hallinan, Rohan Nicol, Sabine Pagan and Megan Watson 
2018: Simon Cottrell and Vicky Shukuroglou  
2017: Marilou Chagnaud 
2016: Cathy Franzi and Sione Maileseni 
2015: Ruth Hingston and Jodie Hatcher  
2014: Sally Blake, Annee Miron, Satoshi Fujinama 
2013: Ceretha Skinner, Michael Brennan-Wood 
2012: Christine Atkins, Marily Cintra, Marian Hosking, Antonia Aitken 
2009: Kirstie Rea, Paull Mckee 
2006: Joanne Searle, Daniel Maginity 


Craft ACT will arrange an exhibition of the work in the Craft ACT gallery from Thursday 24 March – Saturday 7 May 2022. A schedule of required deadlines including delivery of works, professional photography, artist statements will be provided to selected participants.

Exhibition FAQs:

What kind of support do you offer?

  • Exhibition installation, demount and staffing for the duration of the exhibition 
  • Insurance and public liability at Craft ACT
  • An opening function (including cheese platters, drinks, an opening speaker and support staffing and volunteers)
  • Publicity and media engagement via media release and direct contacts
  • Commissioning an essay to foster deeper critical engagement with contemporary craft practice
  • Coordination of sale of works and liaison with buyers
  • Design and production of an exhibition room sheet
  • Design and production of an e-catalogue which is shared on social media and the Craft ACT website.
  • Marketing and promotion of the exhibition including: design and distribution of e-invitations, an active social media campaign, website listing and electronic direct marketing to media, industry and government organisations 
  • materials subsidy of $2000 to be shared equally among participating artists will be provided to assist with the purchase of materials to make new work for the exhibition at Craft ACT. If additional funding is required, Craft ACT will write a letter of recommendation to support your funding application if required. 

What is the exhibitor responsible for?

  • Transportation and transit insurance to and from the Gallery
  • Installation assistance
  • All costs relating to specific mounting requirements of the exhibition
  • Supplying the work with suitable display accessories including stands, hanging materials or other aids necessary, by the installation date
  • Delivery (12 weeks prior to opening) of promotional information including a current curriculum vitae, artist statement, high resolution images
  • Exhibition works information (including captions and pricing) 2 weeks prior to the exhibition commencing
  • Participation in associated public programs such as a floortalk
  • Assisting in the promotion of the exhibition via social media and among your networks – see more about how to make the exhibition a success, below.

Application process 

All applications must include: 

  1. A residency proposal which respondsto the criteria below 
  2. 6 to 10 high quality images indicative of each artist’s practice 
  3. An up to date CV

All applications must be submitted via Submittable and will be considered by the Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre Membership Committee for peer review. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. 

All proposals must address the following three points: 

  1. Why would you/the group like to undertake and what do you hope to achieve during: 
  • The residency in Namadgi National Park  
  • The research period at Geoscience Australia 
  1. How will the residency enhance your current craft or design practice/s? 
  2. How will this proposal engage with the community?


  • What public workshop would you propose for the Open Day at Namadgi National Park 
  • What could you discuss at an exhibition floor talk 
  • Other ideas to engage with the public and/or other collaborators 
  1. How will the residency build and enhance contemporary craft practice?

    Applications will be assessed on the following points: 

    Your proposal: 

    • Originality (eg. research direction, ideas, workshops) 
    • Achievability (don’t plan a trip to the moon, unless you have very good funding) 
    • Community engagement (floor talks, workshops, etc) 
    • Curatorial narrative (eg. coherence in group applications, exhibition statement, concept).  

    Your images 

    • Artistic excellence (eg. Demonstrating technical expertise).  

    Your CV 

    • External recognition (eg. of your practice and its representation in collections, completed residencies, study both local and international) 
    • Value of the exhibition/residency/program to the artist’s practice.  

    Download a PDF of the Craft ACT Gallery floor plan.

    Find out more and apply.
    Submissions close: 14 June 2020

    *Please note that Submittable program is written in US, and therefore the expiry date is reversed and written incorrectly. Submissions close 14 June 2020.

    Applicants will be notified by end of mid July 2020

    For further information, please contact: 

    Meagan Jones (residency coordinator) at membership@craftact.org.au
    Madisyn Zabel (gallery and exhibition queries) at gallery@craftact.org.au
    Both Meagan and Madisyn can be contacted on (02) 6262 9333.

    Images: Ready-Cut Cottage, Namadgi National Park. 5 Foot Photography.