Craft ACT Annual General Meeting 2023

As an incorporated association, Craft ACT is legally required to hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) to present financial and other reports from the previous year, elect board members and for members to ask questions of the board and staff. In 2023, the Craft ACT AGM will be held on Tuesday 28 March at 6pm.
All Craft ACT Members are invited to attend and meet with Craft ACT's Board and staff. Our constitution states that we need a quorum of members to attend the AGM, so it would be wonderful if you would consider attending.
All Craft ACT Members are invited to attend and meet with Craft ACT's Board and staff. At the conclusion of the AGM, two special members-only door prizes will be drawn. The first door prize is $300 voucher to the Craft ACT shop, and the second is your current membership renewed on us. Only members in attendance on the night will be eligible. All members and friends are invited to stay for refreshments.
The agenda for the AGM is as follows:
1. Welcome and apologies
2. Acceptance of Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on 29 March 2022.
3. President’s Report 2022
4. CEO/Artistic Director Report 2022
5. Financial Report ending 31 December 2022, including Treasurer’s Report and Auditor comments
6. Election of Management Committee
7. Other Business
All members wishing to vote at the AGM, including Accredited Professional and Associate Members are required to have current, up-to-date membership.
Unable to make it to the AGM but still want to have your vote count? Send in a proxy vote now!
Our constitution allows a voting member to place a poxy in their absence at the Annual General Meeting. In submitting a proxy form, your vote is given to the chair to vote in favour of or against a passing resolution. Proxy forms are located here.
To fill it out, add your name, address, the date of the AGM (28 March 2023), and sign. In the section marked **, you can add a specific vote sighting a specific resolution (refer to the agenda for information on resolutions to be presented).
Once filled out, a photo or scan of the form can be forwarded via insert appropriate email for collection of forms. Any questions? Give us a call on 02 6262 9333 or send an email here.