National Sorry Day Resources

Craft ACT: Craft and Design Centre recognises the resilience of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and reflect on The Stolen Generations.

We remember the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people who were forcibly removed from their families and communities. We recognise the strength of the survivors and The Stolen Generations, and reflect on the historical injustices that took place. 

It is important on National Sorry Day to reflect on the past, and ensure we take action to educate ourselves. 

Please take today to reflect on Australia's past, and educate yourself on the importance of Sorry Day.


The Healing Foundation is a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation that provides a platform to amplify the voices and lived experience of Stolen Generations survivors and their families:

AIATSIS has a range of resources to assist you with your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander family history research, and to find out more about the importance of Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week: 

Amnesty outlines 10 different ways to be a genuine ally to Indigenous communities:

Image: Kayannie Denigan, Graphic Intervention Design Canberra 2020