26 March - 9 May 2020
Bella Dower | Sara Lindsay | Sarah Stubbs | Zoë Veness
Wayfaring means to travel by foot and is an ideal metaphor to describe the pace of a long-term project by four artists comprising three exhibitions in three years (2019-2021). Zoë Veness, Sarah Stubbs, Bella Dower and Sara Lindsay met as lecturers and students in 2016 at the School of Creative Arts and Media, UTAS in Hobart and in 2019 decided to create new work for an exhibition in Hobart in 2021. Since Zoë now lives in Sydney, a developmental approach was devised with the aim to produce a cohesive body of work over an extended period of time with key exhibitions as important signposts throughout the process to meet and reflect on the synergies and potentialities in each individual practice and collectively as a group. The first installment took place in Melbourne at Radiant Pavilion in September 2019. The second iteration, Wayfaring at Craft ACT in Canberra, builds on the Melbourne show with new work developed by each artist to test different materials and processes, modes of seriality, combinations of objects and display configurations with the view to explore and refine curatorial methods for the final exhibition in 2021.
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